Merry Christmas!
Wow! What a year this has been. we've had some amazing times, some trying times and some joyful times. Starting in January, we had a training that led to 2 clubs getting up and going and at least three salvations. We had many trips out to share with and learn about the people. After our yearly meeting, two college guys came out for 2 months to trek and explore. They were able to visit several places that were new to us. We also had some of our 2006 Christmas team come out for the summer. They also trekked and shared. Then, we took Anna to college. We were blessed in seeing so many family and friends. Also in knowing that she has family at North Spartanburg as well as Marathon - and of course Aunt Renee!
So, three of us returned. Still learning and growing. Blessed that HE gave us more opportunities. And Anna was able to get back for the month of December. Christmas gave us many chances to share. We also had several parties where the story was told - and one more to go! Two parties with Trish's students, one with some Indian students and one with mike's students. As I sit here on Christmas night writing this, I am amazed at what HE does. Our friends have a slightly offbeat movie they really like. We watched it with them today. A line stuck out - "Why did you give me the desire to wrestle and make me such a lousy warrior?" Sometimes I feel like that. He gives us a desire, but I see how much I fall short - how inadequate I am. But I know that it is in HIM we are victorious.
So thank you so much - for lifting us up. For remembering our people, for words and gifts of encouragement. It is so much easier doing this when we know you are with us. In Arkansas, I was convinced to jump off a cliff - to take a running start and leap. Yes, I was attached to a rope, but it was knowing who anchored that rope (thanks David and Marty) that gave me the courage to actually do it. Because of folks like you holding our rope, we can take those leaps.
Okay, enough words, I know you'd rather see pictures: