Having some fun in April
The Korean fan dance, some Indians performing, Asher doing his thing, Korean drums and Kenan's line dance.
Salomi and Lisa, Arsha and Lisa, a cute girl and Kenan's buddies.

We started off the month in Hong Kong renewing visas and even got to visit Disney. Back at home, we dove into language and continued with our teaching. Trish helped out with a training, I started working with a couple of local guys and Kenan is pushing through to do well at school. Because of Kenan's school schedule, he had his birthday party in April, during his spring break. He had several friends over and they had a great time - mostly playing Halo 3 through the night. Things are still going well at the school and those relationships are growing and some of them have grown deep with Him. One of the more fun activities we had was going to Kenan's school for International Day. Lots of diverse food, fun and entertainment. Though there were several cultural performances, the highlight was Kenan helping out the the line dance performance. He has a spring school trip and finishes up. He needs a break and we hope he has a great summer in which to do that. We've also been busy getting ready for May. In May we have Tim and Rachel coming to join us - so we're looking foward to lots of fun. Wee've also got a team from TN coming to determine what Father wants them to do.
We look foward to great things in the days to come.
Hey guys...I am coming in July. Can the students here send anything with me that would be helpful for their penpals...
GCA Middle School
Hello all Masters,
Trying to figure out how to get in touch with you all. Hope this works. Panda still travels with me in car and everywhere I go. Sounds as if all is going well. No denying whose parents are Anna's and Kenan's.
Katie starts college this year.
Miss you and think of you very often. Kim Knight
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