Three months?
I could moan and gripe about how the great firewall blocks all these sights and makes it quite annoying to update blogs, get on Facebook or any number of sights. Or, I could just update this page and hope folks still check it.
This is my first update with my MacBook Pro. It was a family present - cause it also means Kenan gets the hand me down Dell. Our other big gift was getting Anna here for a few weeks. We had a great time with her and then a family trip down to Hong Kong and visited Disneyland there. Anna had as much fun as a kid - like the rest of us - and exhaustion hit us all at the end of the day. We then headed back home while she returned to school. Kenan started up his semester while Trish and I finished up ours, until March. There will be a big break for their national holiday, Spring Festival. We will be going to Thailand during Kenan's break and I will attend a meeting. There will be traveling out both before and after hitting Thailand - oh how we love long bus rides!
Our family Christmas shot. Trish and the "Happy Birthday, Jesus" cake

Even Chewie got a gift. Anna and Lydia Chewie - a true Dawg
Our Stockings - along with Kirk and Chewie's. Trish and Anna
about time you updated - loved the pictures. Love all of you! Mom
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