Sunday thought
We have been attending the International Fellowship here on Sundays. There are many foreigners here, with varied jobs and areas of service. Last week, as I looked around, it hit me: this is what eternity will look like. Let me explain. In this group, there are many Americans - from all across the states. also some folks from New Zealand and Australia. There are several Europeans: British, German, Swiss, Scottish, Swedish, Norwegian and probably some others. We have a group from Nigeria as well as Morocco. Going South, there are some Brazilians and Costa Ricans. And of course, Asians: Indians, Singaporeans, Filipinos, Koreans (lots of Koreans), Thais and some from Hong Kong. There are also some people of Chinese heritage.
So, in looking around, it was definitely a worldwide mixture. And that's what's it's all about. People gathering from all corners, all languages. But until every tribe, tongue and nation is ready to be at his throne, we will still carry on. We continually thank Him for all your thoughts and wishes.
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