Easter Update
To make up for our lack of posting, I included 2 videos. The first is from the performance of the kids and their school play.
The next is some activity from the opening of the local univerity's sports day cermony.
Now for our report.We received a lot of answers to health issues at the first of the month. Trish was unable to have surgery on her arm at this time, due to the fact that a graft might not work, and therefore she will work with exercises and see a physical therapist in city on occasion. Mike’s gall bladder has not presented any more trouble and we are watching it with diet, so for now, no need to go out or get it out. Kenan and Mike both had birthdays, so Kenan is now 14, and Mike… well, he’s not 14. Anna and Kenan were SO MUCH FUN in their Spring play “You Can’t Take It With You”. Their grades suffered a little with all their extra time going to play rehearsal, but we are glad for all the learning experiences they encountered through this opportunity. The BIG NEWS is that the Masters have moved! WE are in a really nice home; the landlord is very kind and willing to allow us to live here for as long as we need, without raising the rent. We know that could change, but we know that Father provided the perfect place at the perfect time, and we are really blessed to be in. The area is quite nice and accessible. Rare is the day we walk around and don’t see Tibetans.
We’ve been blessed to have some workers come over and help us. They are twin guys who have been traveling out and helping with finding really remote villages. They’ll be here a little longer and then head back home. On Sundays, our small group has been blessed by their leading worship. Easter was lots of fun. Not only was it our first full week in our new place, but we had found an American style ham at a local store. Trish cooked it up and we had a ‘dinner on the grounds’ at our new place followed by an Easter egg hunt for the little ones – not Anna and Kenan, but the 2-year old and 1-year old as well as some neighbors who were wondering what was going on. Mike was able to share about the resurrection in Chinese with one family that was watching.
Our two local partners have been very busy. One finished translating some material into a local dialect and the other, although she has been attacked by the enemy, has been quite productive in training – yay God! She and Trish are currently out doing training. It got a little bust for them as on the very first night they had several new believers. One of our teammates has completed being trained in a health program. This will help with access into areas, but also address a pressing need many of our people have in relation to healthcare.
Anna and Kenan have been busy taking those pesky standardized tests. Anna took her ACT yesterday and feels really positive about the results. She is still looking at starting North Greenville this fall. Trish will probably take a couple of weeks to get her settled in. Kenan was finally able to have his birthday sleepover. The guys had great fun and did get some sleep. He was the only American here, it was fun to watch.
We are also looking at the possibility of getting a work permit. This will allow us great mobility and acceptance to our focus areas.
Team dynamics, good accountability, as well as transparency
Digging more deeply in the Word
Peace about our purpose and what He wants us to do.
Plans for Anna and college.
That’s all for now! Blessings! All For His Glory- Mike and Trish

Anna and Kenan tell the Easter story using resurrection eggs.
To make up for our lack of posting, I included 2 videos. The first is from the performance of the kids and their school play.
The next is some activity from the opening of the local univerity's sports day cermony.
Now for our report.We received a lot of answers to health issues at the first of the month. Trish was unable to have surgery on her arm at this time, due to the fact that a graft might not work, and therefore she will work with exercises and see a physical therapist in city on occasion. Mike’s gall bladder has not presented any more trouble and we are watching it with diet, so for now, no need to go out or get it out. Kenan and Mike both had birthdays, so Kenan is now 14, and Mike… well, he’s not 14. Anna and Kenan were SO MUCH FUN in their Spring play “You Can’t Take It With You”. Their grades suffered a little with all their extra time going to play rehearsal, but we are glad for all the learning experiences they encountered through this opportunity. The BIG NEWS is that the Masters have moved! WE are in a really nice home; the landlord is very kind and willing to allow us to live here for as long as we need, without raising the rent. We know that could change, but we know that Father provided the perfect place at the perfect time, and we are really blessed to be in. The area is quite nice and accessible. Rare is the day we walk around and don’t see Tibetans.
We’ve been blessed to have some workers come over and help us. They are twin guys who have been traveling out and helping with finding really remote villages. They’ll be here a little longer and then head back home. On Sundays, our small group has been blessed by their leading worship. Easter was lots of fun. Not only was it our first full week in our new place, but we had found an American style ham at a local store. Trish cooked it up and we had a ‘dinner on the grounds’ at our new place followed by an Easter egg hunt for the little ones – not Anna and Kenan, but the 2-year old and 1-year old as well as some neighbors who were wondering what was going on. Mike was able to share about the resurrection in Chinese with one family that was watching.
Our two local partners have been very busy. One finished translating some material into a local dialect and the other, although she has been attacked by the enemy, has been quite productive in training – yay God! She and Trish are currently out doing training. It got a little bust for them as on the very first night they had several new believers. One of our teammates has completed being trained in a health program. This will help with access into areas, but also address a pressing need many of our people have in relation to healthcare.
Anna and Kenan have been busy taking those pesky standardized tests. Anna took her ACT yesterday and feels really positive about the results. She is still looking at starting North Greenville this fall. Trish will probably take a couple of weeks to get her settled in. Kenan was finally able to have his birthday sleepover. The guys had great fun and did get some sleep. He was the only American here, it was fun to watch.
We are also looking at the possibility of getting a work permit. This will allow us great mobility and acceptance to our focus areas.
Team dynamics, good accountability, as well as transparency
Digging more deeply in the Word
Peace about our purpose and what He wants us to do.
Plans for Anna and college.
That’s all for now! Blessings! All For His Glory- Mike and Trish

Anna and Kenan tell the Easter story using resurrection eggs.