Masters Heart

A Heart For The Nations. Mike, Trish, Anna and Kenan want to share our experiences with you.

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We became a unit in 1987 - December 19th. Anna came in on February 10th, 1989 and Kenan joined up March 20th 1993.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Wow - busy summer!

I thought we'd been doing so well - but all it took was a rush of activity to keep me from writing. Well, that and a bout of laziness. Our summer has just about wrapped up. Trish and I went out of country for a meeting, while the kids stayed here and started school. Our meetings went really well. Full, busy, loads of info and activity but we survived. A fun note - Grace sent us a gift, a projector. At our first set of meetings, the leaders had their luggage (about $12,000 worth) stolen. They needed to borrow some equipment from our office. They had enough to help out, but lending out meant they were short a projector for a different set of meetings. So, Grace provided for them as well!
The kids have truly enjoyed school. They catch the bus at 7, and return at 4. A very full day of classes, but they are enjoying it as well as their teachers. Kenan starts basketball (being a 6-foot 13 year old is a good thing) and Anna will start her activities - dance and special Book study - as well. She is taking great joy in being a senior.
Trish has been out about a week with 2 ladies from the office. They return tomorrow. Then on Monday, Trish leaves for a medical appointment. Her elbow has a slight fracture and some scar tissue needs to be removed.
We also have welcomed our new teammates. They have been busy getting settled and ready for language study. Thye will have their first journey out in October. We will travel out to see our other girl. She has been doing well and we look forward to seeing her. Then the husband and I will head out with a group of shepherds.
Thanks for continuing to thank about us - and our people.