Masters Heart

A Heart For The Nations. Mike, Trish, Anna and Kenan want to share our experiences with you.

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We became a unit in 1987 - December 19th. Anna came in on February 10th, 1989 and Kenan joined up March 20th 1993.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Braves inspired thoughts

I admit it, I'm a Braves addict. I'll check the score as I get up. I'll do my QT and check the score again. The games are usually over by 10 or 11 am over here. Sometimes, I'll even be able to listen to the game via an on-line station. Now that's fun (not Larry Munson fun, but close). Today Matt Diaz hit safely in his 10th straight at bat. I was trying to explain how hard that was to Anna and Kenan (they were more impressed by Chipper's 3 homers). It is so hard to succeed in the everyday things. Consistency - in any area - is tough. There are times I'd rather breeze through my Bible reading and keep up with a game or some other time consuming event. I really want to learn to glorify God in the simple act of consistency. That includes studying my language - especially the religious aspects. My school starts in 3 weeks - keep checking on my progress!
Some prayer requests:
Gesang's mom still has her tube - her doctor will return on Thursday. She really wants to go home and he really wants to get back to work.
The victim of the bear attack is progressing very well. Her husband and other family members have been visited daily by Trish and one of us. Recently, Gesang went and shared with them in their dialect what Trish had been sharing in the national language. The husband and an uncle prayed to recieve Christ! There are also 3 little boys - she is on the burn unit - in her ward. I've been able to start making friends with them. My language is almost on their level. Pray for them as well.
Big personal prayer: Trish and I go out of country for a meeting. We leave on Wednesday and the kids start school on Thursday. Our friend will stay with them. Also, John and Shannon arrive on the 23rd. They will be joining our team for 3 years.

Thanks for thoughts, prayers and actions!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Medical update

First, Gesang's mom gets checked out today and might go home in less than a week. She hates the big city - she even thinks the water is poisoned. She will be very happy to return to her village. While she never tried grits or oatmeal, Gesang gives them a big 'thumbs-up'.
The victim of the bear attack is doing much better. The doctors have repaired most of the damage. She has lost at least one eye. Trish has been going daily to check on her and share with her family. There was a physical response to her presence from the young woman yesterday.
Please continue to pray for this family.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Prayer Request

You are probably familiar with our local brother Gesang. Last night, a distant cousin was brought in from her hometown - about 12 hours away. She had been mauled by a bear. As of now, she has been in surgery for over 6 hours. She has lost lots of blood. Please pray for her - and that God will use this as an opportunity for Gesang to share the Gospel with them.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Back from Heishui

We have returned from our trip to Heishui. Heishui is translated as "Black Water". However, the water there is some of the cleanest we have seen in our travels. The family pictured has become very close to us. We believe that as people come to hear the Gospel, it must be done in a family setting. In the Bible we see both the Centurion's family as well as the Jailer's family come to faith at the same time. To make inroads into the Tibetan Buddhist culture and mindset, it isn't enough for individuals to come. They become alienated, cast out, looked down upon. But if a group in a community comes to faith together - like a family - they are more likely not only to stand firm, but to grow in discipleship as well as influence others around them. As we go into areas, pray for that particular family that will usher in the church to their community.