As May draws to a close, I thought I'd open this edition with a photo status of Chewbacca's progress. Right after we got him, for Kenan and Mike's birthdays, he was diagnosed with parvo. The outcome was grim and he was at the vet for almost 3 weeks and restricted to the indoors until his shots were complete because of a weakened immune system. As you can see, at 4 months he has made definite progress and gets smarter daily. For example, he knows if Mike is in the kitchen, food miraculously appears on the floor - if he behaves. His close call also earned him a first name - Lazarus. Although he still goes by Chewie, it does reflect the amazing recovery. One of the people that has fallen in love with him is Lydia Grace. She has been with us for a few weeks now and loves taking him for walks and 'blinging' him out. He will miss her as she returns to school next week.
Speaking of changes, you may have heard about some changes going on with our organization. While this will aid our work in the big scheme of things, it will not radically affect how we do things on our level - although our immediate supervisor has changed three times in as many months. We have big plans on the horizon. Right now, our new teammate is out with a US club. They are looking at adopting one of our groups. June holds the promise of lots of travel and July has teams coming in for an English camp.
But May, has anything happened in May? Oh yeah. Our time at the school has been very productive. With new additions to the family, those additions growing deeper and gathering together on their own to become a club. May also brought a new family to our team - Tim, Rachel and the kids. A new door also opened up here in the city at the University. While Kenan has had some frustrating moments, he has persevered and will finish school next week on a stong note. On a fun note, we are forming a foreigner baseball team. While a lot of it is for fun and exercise, we are also hoping it will open doors. we have already been invited to play with two local teams, are looking at forming an instructional team for foreign kids here and are hoping that very soon in addition to a team at our school, we will be able to form a team at the University. Even though it seems like a superficial use of time, meeting to play sports draws a whole lot less attention than just meeting. Across the water, Anna has finished her sophomore year. She will be an RA starting in the fall. Right now, she is on our side of the world - but in a different country. She will be serving there for two months. Please be lifting up her opportunities to share, to grow as well as her safety.
We can look back and see so many things that have happened or are starting to happen. But during this time we also really feel very sluggish - like we are here, but barely getting anything accomplished. It is a frustrating feeling. Please help us to trust in His timing - and listen to His prodding.
PR Requests
Kenan's finishing well
Kenan's finding his place of service and purpose in all of this
Open doors at the school and in our areas
Our new teammates to adjust well
Anna's summer of ministry
Decisions that we are facing
Our summer plans and travels

Kenan and his little sister - Lydia Grace