Masters Heart

A Heart For The Nations. Mike, Trish, Anna and Kenan want to share our experiences with you.

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We became a unit in 1987 - December 19th. Anna came in on February 10th, 1989 and Kenan joined up March 20th 1993.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Anna the graduate!

Well, our little girl is officially a high school graduate and heading to college. She had a great ceremony and closing week. Right now, she and mom are out traveling to some villages. Sort of a farewell tour. We have several more trips planned. We just finished some time with a group from Cleveland, TN, have a group of students from MS in for the summer and two more teams heading over here - we also have other trips planned as a family, so it looks busy for the next several weeks. Some of the trips are to strengthen presence in the community, others to train and others to make 'first contact'. Then Anna heads to school. Her target is North Greenville U in SC. We're trying to go as a family and see her off, but no specifics have been ironed down yet.
Both kids had a great year, Kenan's had a few more bumps than Annas, but we have all been blessed by their school. Trish has finished teaching for the semester and Mike only has 2 more weeks. And Mike has done well on his language test. He has passed the hardest parts and now only has 2 more sections to check off to be complete. (Is everyone out there reading this in amazement?)
We have settled into our new place and have made some great relationships in the area. Kenan is glad for the start of summer - he's ready to explore. The Father has been continually blessing us and we want to give him complete praise!


Blogger Kevin said...

Wow, those aren't the kids that I met 3 years ago. It's unbelievable how grown up they are.

12:59 AM  

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