19 on the 19th!

19 years ago we were married. 19 years, wow, so amazing. Before we got married my grandparents celebrated their 50th and now my parents recently celebrated their 50th. It's amazing what can happen is 19 days, much less 19 years. Two kids and two continents later, we know we are where we need to be. Right now we are so thankful for your constant thoughts of us and during this Christmas season, the way you so freely give to us. I stand in awe of so many of you who do so much more than I could ever dream of and yet view us as 'special'. From Sunday school teachers, leaders, family friends and family members that so greatly impacted me growing up to those leaders, partners and mentors who challenge me today.
When I thought about writing this one, I was excited. How easy is it going to be to write about my marriage! But as I began to think about all the people who literally poured into us over the years, I thought - no way can I come close to saying what I need to say. I want to merely finish this by saying He is good, all the time.
In the morning, we head to an orphanage to celebrate with them. Be with our travel - several hours, as well as the college students going with us.
In Him.
Congratulations on your Anniversary!
Your reward is....19 frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa.
I loved the post about the holiday foods. I was at work when I read it. Imagine me trying not to laugh hysterically while my face was turning red and finding it hard to catch my breath while reading (especially 3, 7, 8).
Love you all,
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