Spurgeon said it.

Abhorring Theology
It’s not as though God needs you for anything or that He cannot convert anyone with you evangelizing. God is not “frustrated” with those that can’t come to Him, because you won’t go out and evangelize. If God wanted to make the rocks raise up and praise Him, He could (and will). This image depicts the reprobate going to hell because of YOU; but let me tell you right now that out of God’s providential will and choice He is in control of the glorified and the reprobate. But let us not be confused that this implication of sovereignty means that you have no responsibility. You are to seek the glory of God in all you do, submit to the Lordship of Christ Jesus, and deny yourself. As my friend Matt Martin stated, “by not walking in the power of the Spirit we selfishly seek after our own glory and not the glory of the Most High.”
“Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that.”Charles H. Spurgeon
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